Read this story carefully through !
Day 1: You are at home and bored
Day 2: You get a great idea to get a hamster
Day 3: You have a nice cage in your room for the hamster
Day 7: You want it to be happy so you get another hamster
Day 30: They mate and have small hamsters
Day 31: So you have now a little hamster family living in the cage in your room
Day 32: You're happy having a 10 membered hamster
family and you feed and play with them after school
Day 60: You notice you have 60 hamsters which is way too much
Day 61: You don't want to kill any of them and you think what you can do
Day 62: Your friend comes to help you build a huge outdoor cage
Day 90: Your hamsters have settled in the outdoor cage and live a happy
and abundant life with enough food, water and space
Day 91: As a science project for school you have been documenting the family
tree of your hamsters and have exact data about the different bloodlines
Your hamster family has expanded to 200 individuals
Day 100: You observe how the hamsters have developed.
They are smarter and seem to have started to communicate
more and more with each others and co-operate
Day 110: You are getting tired nurturing your hamsters
and the food costs are way too big for a student
You kill some of the hamsters and you give less food
Day 120: The fittest have survived hard times and developed stronger
Your hamster population has stabilized to 150
Day 130: As another science project you start gene manipulating the
hamsters. That means you will improve specific features that help the hamster survive better
In the given environment with food and mating partners
Day 300: After raising 10 generations of hamsters you are given a 1 million
stipendium and a 10 000 squaremeter big laboratory to your ambitious research in hamsters
You also hire your 3 closest friends who you assign different tasks in the research.
Day 350: The laboratory is ready. It's build to be natural but it has various areas
with totally different environments. There are higher places, lower areas, colder and warmer areas
places with much light and less light, places with different rival animals
This all is done to research how they develop in different environments and their
family tree and alterations in genes are being screened all the time
Day 360: You start to manipulating their genes by adding human genes and other
animals' genes. This controversial idea fails many times, but in the end you create one
specific breed which gains incredible advantage on brain function even though
it isn't physically as strong as the strongest or biggest breeds
Day 365: Celebrating 1 year anniversary for your hamster project. It all started with 1 hamster
Now in your 10 000 square meter huge hamster planet laboratory you have 3645 hamsters with
5 big colonies. Different colonies have all their recognizable appearance in size, colour and
behaviour. You and your friends also vary all the time the conditions to test your hamsters.
Day 500: The 1 breed of hamsters have supergenes and things are getting crazy !!!!!
After day 360 they have in these 140 days generated 5 generations and they have developed
soooo much that these incredibly intelligent hamsters have destroyed nearly every other
hamster colonies and interbred with the females that haven't been killed from other colonies.
Day 560: The 1 of the 5 original breeds is now the only breed left and they have become
genetically totally different because of the gene manipulations and their brain capacity has
grown 3 times bigger than it would be possible in evolution if you would ask mr. Darwin
The conquering of the "hamster planet laboratory" was due to the intelligence not the physical
features like strength, speed or size. They were the only ones enable to a organized co-operation.
Day 600: You notice the hamsters have started to live in a society with roles and tasks for everyone
They have formed first villages and the hamsters have started to paint the past events to the walls.
Day 630: The little villages in different parts in the hamster planet have become small cities
Day 666: First Hamster War, greed is growing the brains of the smart hamsters. They all are from the
some family tree and breet but their appearances are now so different that they don't recognize their sister
and brother hamsters. The first war is a territorial argument and the big and heavy war has many victims
Day 700: The war is over, and the winner side has started to build an empire covering for 20% of the
whole are. A lot of hamster cities have born and they have started to write their history with
simple letters. Knowledge from the past days are going to be forwarded in the future.
Day 713: The 10 000 square meter hamster planet laboratory has glass walls that you don't need to go
inside the territory where your hamsters live. You and your 3 friends are controlling all that's happening
and observing interestedly what the f#%" is happening in the laboratory
Day 730: 2 years has passed. In 1 year the amount of hamsters has
risen from 3645 to 25 600 and there are 13 big centres of habitation.
Day 769: The first hamster dictator puts everyone to work for him and give food as taxes.
Day 800: You find out in the family tree that dominating hamsters from different colonies are all
related and have been interbreeding for the whole time there has been a society
Day 823: You notice how the hamsters have started to stare differently you and your friends through
the glass walls. You decide to cover the walls that they don't see you
Day 900: Legends have already spread about the "Giants behind the wall" and the hamsters
have depicted you and your friends and made statues and some even worshiping them
Day 926: All the leaders are related and they control the whole hamster society
Day 933: The leaders know the secret that they are only YOUR science project
In all terms they try to keep the secret from the 95% of the population they lead.
Day 950: The best idea ever !! All the regular hamsters are forced to work even though
there is no need, because of the abundance of environment. That will keep them out of
realizing what their world really is
Day 1000: Less and less know the secret. The 5% of the population, the elite hamsters
know it. A much better idea comes across. Setting up camps where the young hamsters
are misled to ignore the truth and make them good workers for the elite hamsters
Day 1100: All the ancient knowledge is nearly destroyed and those who refer to it
are ridiculed by the whole community as a crazy gerbile
Day 1150: You and your friends observe the happenings and document it. Although you
cannot understand why the majority of hamsters
have become sad and killing themselves with work they wouldn't need to do
Day 1200: Leaders control the hamster society quietly. They fear when the hamsters
will notice the Truman show where they live in
Day 1239: In addition to work the elite has their ways to keep the hamster population in string.
Their ways are: intoxicating substances, entertainmant and mating services
Day 1300: The society under control. Every regular hamster is enthusiasted about nonsense
entertainment like "Hamster shore" or "crazy hamster sports" or devoting whole life to being the
number 1 hamster in finding grains in the olympic hamster games
Day 1500: Hamster population is being confused with so called news, which is a creation to
steer the beliefs of the whole vast population.
Day 1825: You have 5 years done your research and it is completed now
You select randomly one hamster because you have a device which allows you to communicate
with it and you can ask why it acted like it acted
Random hamster from the laboratory is picked. The hamsters see this like a giant
hand comes from the skies to pick up a hamster
The hamster's view of the world in an imaginery interview:
The hamster would be confused about what happened. His whole world and universum was the laboratory where they were researched. His community knew the laboratory well but didn't know their world was just a little closed area in big world of the humans. He couldn't believe it would be true that their world is just a big territorium surrounding with a big world which is surrounded by another worlds. That's because he was raised in a place where everyone else thought the same way. When everyone told this is reality and we all know it. How could you deny it ?
" If you repeat a lie enough many times, it becomes real "
This was an imaginery story about hamsters, but could
YOU imagine that there might be a possibility that actually you are the hamster yourself ?
I don't know.... Or maybe I know, but I'll not say anything. You should all observe around you ! There might be a lot of things to be revealed.
Truman show, end scene where Jim Carrey finds the door from the fake world he was put to live in.
The cage could represent the world where people live, first it was Africa then Asia and Australia and finally the whole world. The cage got bigger all the time, now the Earth is the equivalent to cage and we're expanding to space all the time.
Imagine if the different breeds of hamsters represented different forms of humans, the neanderthals, the cro-magnon and finally the homo sapiens which is the only one left here.
What if the leaders in the world are like those hamsters, big families who control centuries the whole colony.
Could it be that the media has been used to give partly false information and create a lot of non-sense information which actually starts to be entertaining and more important to us. But yeah... we aren't like those stupid hamsters !